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  • Toji

    12 September 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Emerging to the front were dolphins chasing and dancing together in concentric circles.. One white dolphin jumped in the air, looked at me directly, smiled and exclaimed “Compassion”,through its’ inimitable voice.What am I to learn about the being “with the suffering “ (Inside me and out )without fear and without judgment?Dolphin/ Archetypes: My connections & affinities with Dolphins are deep, they’re one of my totem animals associated with my birthday. I have always felt deeply honored by their presence, their joy and playfulness. And their willingness to engage with us humans.Felt sense: rhythmic attunement with their energy, small mind changing.Senses liberating on hearing this message.Feel I’m transformng the trances of unworthiness and reclaiming play, joy, courage balance as I meet new communitiesYes! feels in alignment with me.Emerging to the front were dolphins chasing and dancing together in concentric circles.. One white dolphin jumped in the air, looked at me directly, smiled and exclaimed “Compassion”,through its’ inimitable voice.

    What am I to learn about the being “with the suffering “ (Inside me and out )without fear and without judgment?

    Dolphin/ Archetypes: My connections & affinities with Dolphins are deep, they’re one of my totem animals associated with my birthday. I have always felt deeply honored by their presence, their joy and playfulness. And their willingness to engage with us humans.

    Felt sense: rhythmic attunement with their energy, small mind changing.

    Senses liberating on hearing this message.

    Feel I’m transformng the trances of unworthiness and reclaiming play, joy, courage balance as I meet new communities

    Yes! feels in alignment with me.